Our Shipping Policy was last updated on 01.06.2024

  • Please carefully review our shipment policies when purchasing our products.
  • This policy will apply to any order you place with us.
  1. What are my Shipping & Delivery options?
    We offer various shipping options like a third party  Courier service and Indian Postal Service.
  2. Do you offer FREE SHIPPING?
    Yes. We offer free shipping on all our orders above 500 in and around INDIA.
    For International orders standard postal charges will be applicable for packing and shipping.
    A standard charge of 40 will be charged for all orders below the minimum criteria.
  3. How long will it takes to receive our orders?
    Our standard courier service will take about 2-3 business days to deliver the order and Indian postal service takes 3-5 business days simultaneously.
  4. Do you deliver internationally?
    Yes, we do deliver orders all around the world via Standard Indian International Shipping Method. Since the shipping charges vary for each country, shipment charges will be updated 2days after the order has been placed and will be charging accordingly.
    Shipment fees has to be paid before dispatch of an order to our registered account details in email.
  5. What happens if my order gets delayed or lost?
    If delivery is delaying for any reason we will let you know as soon as possible and will advice you of a revised estimated date of delivery. In case if a delivery product gets lost, we will take full responsibility and will ship a new ones right away.
  6. How can I contact about any further queries?
    If you have any further questions or comments, you may contact us by 

         Phone/WhatsApp :   +91 9943428994
         Email:       info@gowrabookfair.com